Brottweiler’s Logbook

Logging in Blindfolded

In 22 July 2022 the Linux kernel updated to version 5.18.13 on my system, causing the TTY to seemingly freeze during boot. But it was only visual! I was actually at the framebuffer login screen all along, and could type blindfolded. I logged in and typed startx without seeing anything, and I was brought to my IceWM desktop.

Some forum threads and troubleshooting later, the only workaround to see the framebuffer was to disable Kernel Mode Setting (KMS), but I was fine logging in blindfolded. It was just annoying I could not use my framebuffer.

Fourteen months later, the Linux kernel updated to version 6.5.2 on my system, fixing this bug! The days of logging in blindfolded are over.

#arch #framebuffer #linux #nvidia