Brottweiler’s Logbook

Play Tetris on your phone

Tetris is a perfect game to play anytime, anywhere. If you do not have your Game Boy with you, your phone is a pretty good substitute even if a touchscreen does not work as well as a gamepad.

I tried looking through various apps to find a good Tetris clone, but the “good” ones are bloated with ads and the open source ones are subpar. I realised the best way to play Tetris on your phone is to just run the Game Boy version in an emulator.

Download RetroArch for your phone and get a hold of a Tetris ROM for the Game Boy somewhere. ;) Here is my (not so high) high score.

Fun tip! I use the Sameboy core, but if you use the Gambette core, you can select different colour schemes!

#android #tetris